Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Give Yourself a Hand

"They" say we only have 15 seconds to form a first impression. We tend to think highly of someone that dresses well, speaks clearly and makes eye contact. And then there is the hand shake. Have you ever changed your first impression based on a weak handshake or holding clasping dry scaly skin?

Think about it. Is your skin hydrated and smooth? Are Age spots sending the wrong impression? Are your nails clean and well trimmed? Do you shake hands with a firm, confident grip? Depending on your profession, the opinion of your patrons could make or break your career.

Hands communicate more about a person then can be said in a short amount of time. As we deliver our presentation and wave our hands about, they tell how we take care of ourselves. As we prep and deliver food our hands tell how clean the kitchen is. As we point out yet another place a signature is required, our hands tell how we respect our body, and our clients money.

25 years ago in this country a manicure was reserved for the housewife of a wealthy business man and the emerging female business owner. Today 25% of all manicures are reserved for professional men. These men see the manicure as an intregual part of their polished image. Just as woman always have.

Taking care of ourselves should not stop at the neck, wrist or ankle (we'll get to feet in our next blog). Just as we search out proper skin care for our face based on age, season, and skin type, we need to treat our hands with the same respect.
Beyond the obvious of receiving a professional manicure once a month, taking care of our hard working digits is fairly simple.

* Moisturize your hands at least twice a day (am and pm).
* Replace your bar soap with a liquid soap in each bathroom.
* Wear protective rubber gloves when working in the garden and washing dishes.
* Each week when exfoliating your face, exfoliate your hands at the same time.
* Once a week apply your thickest, richest moisturizer to your hands before bed.
* Wear Sunscreen to prevent age spots and sun damage.
* Wear protective gloves in windy and cold weather.
* Eat balanced, healthy foods and stay hydrated!
* Do not bite your nails, or pick at any cuticles or hangnails.
* Always file in the same direction.
* Purchase a good pair of nail clippers.
* Know how you want your hands to look, and keep them that way.

For those of us who are REALLY interested keeping our hands and skin looking young, healthy and strong there are professional treatments that should be considered.
Laser's can remove sun and age spots during your lunch hour. Juvederm and Radiesse are exceptional fillers, used to add volume back into the areas of our hands where aged skin gets stretched thin.

So the next time you dress to impress, give yourself a hand for including them in your basic routine.

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